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Chips Mackinolty

l cacocciuliddi (Baby artichokes) print - 2022 edition


Image of l cacocciuliddi (Baby artichokes) print - 2022 edition
  • Image of l cacocciuliddi (Baby artichokes) print - 2022 edition
  • Image of l cacocciuliddi (Baby artichokes) print - 2022 edition

2022 limited edition prints from the 2016 Wealth of the Land exhibition.

Created from the streets of La Vucciria market in Palermo 2014-2016, these prints celebrate the fruit and vegetables of the streets. The markets, established by Arabs more than 1200 years ago sell seasonal, mostly regionally grown in Sicily.

Each of the images in the show were hand drawn digital images, based on a series of photographs taken from different angles and light sources. They each took from 40-60 hours to make.

The work in Wealth of the Land was exhibited in Palermo, Darwin, Melbourne and Sydney

Limited edition print of 19
30cm x 30cm / 45cm x 45cm
Digital print on Ilford paper

A pdf of the Wealth of the Land catalogue will be emailed to you on purchase.

Baby artichokes
These are, of course, baby artichokes. More delicate and beautifully coloured than the big carciofi, they are lateral buds. Sharp yellow spikes and rich greens and purples on the leaves. Small pale green hearts. Artichokes were brought to Sicily from Greece 3000 years ago, and its name in dialect derives from the Greek word for cactus; northern Italy did not get this vegetable until the 1500s, and derives its name (al-hursufa and hence carciofo) from the Arabic traders who first brought artichokes to Spain and Italy.

l cacocciuliddi
I cacocciuliddi sunnu cchiù tenniri e belli a vidirisi ri cacocciuli ‘ranni, picchì chisti sunnu i figghiulina chi nnàscinu doppu. Hannu a punta spinusa, i pampini virdi scuru ca pari viola, u civiteddu nicu e virdi-giarnu. A quantu pari, i cacocciuli, foru purtati ri l’antichi greci e hannu stu nnomi picchì accussì e ‘na parola greca chi c’assimigghia.

l carciofini
Questi sono i carciofini. Più delicati e colorati dei normali carciofi, sono dei boccioli che crescono lateralmente allo stelo, hanno l’apice molto spinoso, e le foglie verdi e viola intenso. Il cuore piccolo e verde pallido. I carciofi vennero portati in Sicilia dai Greci circa 3000 anni fa, e il loro nome in dialetto deriva dalla parola greca cactus; in Italia del Nord il carciofo non è arrivato prima del 1500, e il suo
nome deriva dall’arabo (al-hursufa e quindi carciofo), dai commercianti arabi che per primi lo portarono in Spagna ed in Italia.