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Chips Mackinolty

U pumu (The apple) print - 2022 edition


Image of U pumu (The apple) print - 2022 edition
  • Image of U pumu (The apple) print - 2022 edition
  • Image of U pumu (The apple) print - 2022 edition

2022 limited edition print from the 2016 Wealth of the Land exhibition.

Created from the streets of La Vucciria market in Palermo 2014-2016, these prints celebrate the fruit and vegetables of the streets. The markets, established by Arabs more than 1200 years ago sell seasonal, mostly regionally grown in Sicily.

Each of the images in the show were hand drawn digital images, based on a series of photographs taken from different angles and light sources. They each took from 40-60 hours to make.

The work in Wealth of the Land was exhibited in Palermo, Darwin, Melbourne and Sydney

Limited edition print of 19
30cm x 30cm / 45cm x 45cm
Digital print on Ilford paper

A pdf of the Wealth of the Land catalogue will be emailed to you on purchase.

The apple
The apple’s origins are—like so many other fruits—from central and western Asia, and
have certainly been in Europe since not so long after the last Ice Age. Pliny the Elder describes 30 varieties from pre-Roman Etruscan times. It has always been seen as
having magical—and even dangerous— powers across many different cultures. In
Sicily there are a dozen local cultivars in the regions, though much of those sold these days come from other areas of Italy and Europe.

U pumu
L’urigini ri sta frutta è tantu antica, ca prima ru tempu ri rrumani già c’èranu ‘na trintina di tipi ddiversi. I puma nostri eranu ddiversi, ma ora un si curtivanu quasi cchiù e i portanu ri dda ffora.

La mela
Le origini della mela sono così come tanta altra frutta dell’Asia centrale dell’ovest, e
sono state sicuramente in Europa da non troppo dopo l’ultima era glaciale. Plinio il Vecchio descrive 30 varietà dall’era preetrusca alla romana. E’stata sempre vista
come se avesse magici e anche pericolosi poteri in molte culture diverse. In Sicilia ci
sono una dozzina di varietà di piante locali coltivate in varie zone, sebbene molte di
quelle vendute oggigiorno provengono da altre aree d’Italia e d’Europa.